Friday, February 11, 2011

Sitting Pretty

There is no denying it... we have a BEAUTIFUL poodle. He is truly growing up fast and becoming a stunningly striking dog. We have people calling from across the street with we're out with him to tell us we have a beautiful dog.
15 weeks old, just from the groomer

My vanity is a bit bruised by the fact that the dog is far more striking and beautiful to the general public than myself. Playing 2nd fiddle to a dog is not something I'm used to.

He is learning "the walk", though he can't seem to manage it more than 5 minutes at a time, and he is still a bit obtuse about acknowledging his name. Still, he's improving... and too damn smart... and completely convinced of his own right to be catered too (trying to break him of that).

All in all, I'm quite enamored with our little black sheep... and I know he won't be "little" that much longer!

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